(I wasn't joking when I said I was ready to bring it!)
So, gawd, where to begin? Well, I'm still as nerdy (and raw) as ever but I've given up on that high fat raw gourmet shim-sham. That's right, I've kicked it to the curb in favor of the fruity lifestyle. That means, any of my food that I post pictures of will all be high carb raw vegan; free of salt, oil, spices and heavily based in good ol' fruity tuttie deliciousness.
Hey, don't knock it till you try it. Just because there isn't a whole lotta nuts, seeds, and taste-bud numbing salt and spices doesn't mean my food ain't DAMN good. (Even my Mim, The Salt Queen, loves my cucumber pasta slathered in rich sun-dried (yup, salt free too) mango basil sauce. )
As far as this little bloggie goes, a good portion of the food pictures (for now) will be what I am eating, as I'm still in NYC and therefore, it's dinner for one
And, of course there will be recipes, lots of recipes. I'm a big believer in sharing the wealth of health. (Still a cheeze-ball, yup.) I also plan to still include reviews on new fangled raw snackles that I find and restaurants that are must eats.
I do think high raw is better than no-raw so sometimes, especially when I am off to California to visit my hubby or TEACH A CLASS (yip! I cannot WAIT to get back into this!) you will see cooked vegan foods popping up on here. Any vegan non-raw snacks, that I can't dive into will surely be
Ultimately, the objective here is still the same: organic, as local as possible, and freaking delicious.
Stay nerdy foodies, and check back by Monday for my Oodles of Noodles post. It's going to be quite the pasta showdown!